Deities of Kunisaki and Beyond
Misshaku Kongo (Garbhvira) on the left and Kongo Rikishi (Vajravira) on the right are the two Nio; not only guardians but also, in esoteric doctrines, two aspects of the unique reality of Dainichi Nyorai. Other texts describe them as one, Vajrapani the Thunderbolt Holder. They symbolise a sort of alpha and omega of all things and are usually represented as Dvarapala, gate guardians, who wear only a sarong or, more rarely, are dressed as warriors in armour. At first they were thought to protect Shakyamuni only; over time they gradually became protectors of Buddha, Bodhisattvas and the Buddhist Law.
The Nio are placed on either side of the main gates of monasteries and temples to banish evil spirits and thieves, and to protect children. They are not truly worshipped, although they are considered granters of wishes. Zuishin, who are representations of ancient military ministers, are similar figures found as guardians at shinto shrines.
Nioo are presented as powerfully muscled giants, half naked, heads shaved and with a menacing expression. They stand upright with legs apart and are armed with vajra weapons. The mouth of one is tightly closed (hum) and the other wide open (ah), signifying death and birth, the end and the beginning. The two thus represent everything, the alpha and omega. In Japan, the gates which they guard are often called Ni-o mon.
Missahku Rikishi
Misshaku symbolises the power of the exoteric, the outward forms that religion takes; the institutional aspects of faith and religion, such as rituals, moral precepts, and institutions. His mouth is open and his body red. He always faces east. His attitude is dynamic with his right hand lowered and fingers outspread. The clenched left hand holds a long staff.
Kongo Rikishi
Kongo symbolises the latent power of esotericism, the inward forms of faith and religion; transcendence, mystic experience, and internal realisations of the Divine. His mouth is closed and body green. His left hand is lowered, closed, and his right hand holds a staff. He is thought to be one of the forms of Fudo Myo-o.